Thursday 2 October 2014

Pull Out Keyboard Shelf

Spending lots of time at the computer inevitably means you'll get uncomfortable.  That’s why investing in ergonomic products such as a pull out keyboard shelf that improves usability, can improve the experience and damage of being glued to the computer screen. 

Buying a keyboard shelf can seriously aid your posture, and your wrist.  But what shelf to choose?  Check out these three keyboard shelves, and place for yourself the direction you'd like to go.

Alera Valencia Series Underdesk Keyboard/Mouse Shelf

Pull out keyboard shelf

The Alera Valencia holds a 4.5/5 star rating on Amazon, and is praised for its durability.   Made out of sturdy mahogany that is 3/4" thick, the shelf doesn't shake or saunter on the track.  It's easy to attach and install, and comes with a five-year limited warranty from the manufacturer.  

Though some complain of the dimensions not being large enough or small enough, this can be easily overcome by measuring your desk or table before hand to ensure this product is a good fit for you.  Altogether, the mahogany style and warranty makes this keyboard slide out tray an excellent option for those looking to stick to a more classical style. 

Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer

Underdesk keyboard drawer

This keyboard shelf is made with the office in mind and has the ability to easily adjust for every user that sits down to it.   The Fellowes shelf comes in black or silver, and easily attaches and installs. 

The keyboard tray itself features height adjustments, so no one is reaching too high or dropping too low to use the keyboard.  Better yet, the mouse tray is able to be easily switched from either side of the keyboard, so right-handed or left-handed, everyone can enjoy.  With a 4/5 stars on Amazon, many people have had success with the Fellowes tray. 

However, that doesn't mean it’s been perfect for everyone.  Some have complained that they don't feel the keyboard shelf will be able to hold the weight of their wrists for too much longer.   The Fellowes tray is a good option for general use such as offices, libraries, and home work stations.

3M Underdesk Keyboard Drawer

This keyboard shelf is considered a PC gamers delight, as it comes with a wrist rest for those particularly difficult levels.  In slick black, the keyboard shelf's antimicrobial protection is an easy selling point.  Combined with three height positions for usability, easy installation, and a pull-out mouse tray, the 3M is loved by its users. 

With a 4/5 stars on Amazon, this product's only problem seems to the customer service supplied with the product.  Most complaints include a lack of information on the shipping and handling end.  If you're spending long nights at the computer for work or pleasure, the 3M can provide some serious soothing to your wrists.

Ergonomics are becoming increasingly important to consumers, and with that in mind attaining a keyboard shelf can improve more than just your wrist.  The real magic is having a work surface that is clear, where more space can be utilized.  With a computer, keyboard, fifty stacks of paper, and photo frames all around your desk, it'd be nice to have more space.  Keeping that in mind, it’s a great idea to invest in a keyboard shelf.

Check out the three pull out keyboards shelves that I researched and tell me what you think!

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